There's an easier way to design the quilting 

for your tops and get those UFO's done!



The Quilter's Groove Design Academy 

Create unique one of a kind quilting in 6 weeks or less without the Stand and Stare method!  Let's get those UFO's completed.


This is THE course for quilters who want to design unique quilting and finish those UFO's that have stumped you.  No more Endless scrolling or standing and staring!

Right now, you are desperate to get out of your rut of adding 
tops to your UFO pile because you don't know what to quilt on them or worse, 
you have so many ideas that you are in analysis paralysis for fear of making 
the wrong choice. 

 There IS an easier way to design for your quilt that won't have you endlessly scrolling or standing and staring at your top.  

Easily Design the quilting for all your UFO's without falling into analysis paralysis.  My 3 step framework will have you creating on of a kind quilting for all your tops.  

Enroll Now!

$497 or 2 payments of $274

What you will learn... 

How to look at your top in a different way that allows you to design differently 

You will learn the 3 simple steps to turn your UFO's into O M Gorgeous quilts!

Tips and tricks on batting and thread selection

Best ~ you will NOT have a UFO at the end of this class!

Your UFO's are calling for you to finish them 
and make them unique. 

The Quilter's Groove Design Academy is a 6 week course that teaches you how to look at your tops and design in 3 simple steps.

Even if you quilt on a sitdown or domestic machine

Even if you have limited time

Even if you've struggled to figure it out on your own.


I understand that investing in yourself can feel like a big decision which is why we offer the two-payment option to make it more managable.  Plus the skills and inspiration you'll gain from this course will last a lifetime making it well worth the investment. 

New way of looking at your tops. 
Finish more quilts.
with a lot of hand holding along the way 

If you....
Are Tired of feeling stuck in your quilting and want to gain confidence in your designs.
Crave more creativity and inspiration but aren't sure how to bring your ideas to life, this course will guide you step by step. 
Have a UFO Pile and want to finally complete those projects with confidence.
then the Quilter's Groove Design Academy
 is perfect for you!   


Gain Confidence in your Quilting!

Here's a few of my students and what they think of the Academy! 

I need to tell you that I would not be able to do this kind of quilting without the academy class and how you structured it into small building blocks. Brilliant. So kudos to you! ~ Cindy Packard

I have absolutely loved Lisa’s class. She has taught me a brand new way to quilt which I never dreamed was possible. I have gone from enjoying quilting to absolutely loving quilting.  I highly recommend taking this class even if you think you are a skilled quilter. It is well worth the time! Jena Giest 

Lisa Calle is an incredible teacher! In the Design Academy class, I was able to learn to see beyond the piecing of the quilt. In an incremental fashion, Lisa teaches her students how to use the existing lines of the piecing, by drafting a design on a photo of the quilt, in order to build a cohesive quilting design with templates and free-motion motifs. Numerous examples are given and the student is encouraged to draft their own designs. The support and teaching style is outstanding!~ Laura Anchor

Enroll Now!

$497 or 2 payments of $274


The Quilter's Groove Design Academy is designed for all quilters who struggle with what to quilt on their tops. 


Students Include: 

Quilter's Who feel stuck

Quilter's who want to improve their design skills

Busy quilters who need flexibility

Quilter's who are ready to take their work to the next level

Domestic/ sitdown quilters

Beginner to Advanced quilters


 If you are still unsure whether the Academy is for you,

 Shoot me an email and we can chat! 


6 weeks from now, you can be a master at designing for your quilt tops! 

Real Talk! 

If you've read this far... chances are you are looking for a better way to design and get your quilt tops done. 

My students are creating stunning, unique quilting for all their tops.  They worked the course! 

What will happend if you don't sign up? 

Your UFO pile will keep growing, and you'll continue feeling frustrated every time you look at unfinished projects.

You'll keep second-guessing your quilting decisions, spending more time worrying than actually quilting.

You'll miss out on the confidence and skills that could make quilting more enjoyable and fulfilling.

You'll stay stuck in the same cycle, watching others progress while you continue feeling uncertain about their designs.

A year from now, you could still be struggling—or you could be looking back at a year of growth, creativity, and beautifully finished quilts.  

You have two choices

Choice #1

You can continue on the path you are on and grow your UFO pile all while standing and staring at your tops or maybe you are a scroller...  

Choice #2

Take 6 weeks to implement the 3 steps that has worked for me and hundreds of other students and watch your UFO pile disappear.

Enroll Now!

$497 or 2 payments of $274

What's Inside the Academy! 

Week 1 

Move past overwhelm!  
Learn how to break your quilt down into sections and how to design for each section. 
Discover my Divide and Design method that teaches you the art of breaking up your quilt into smaller areas.
No more stress and anxiety keeping you overwhelmed. Instead turn this into a simple and manageable process.

Week 2

Perfect the process of breaking down the quilt!
You learn techniques to perfect the first part of your plan. 
This process is super important to ensure you LOVE your finished project. 
We will encorporate curved rulers this week into the project.

Week 3

Quilting Time!
It's time to bring your design to life!
Start quilting the first section of your design plan created in Week 2 and watch your vision take shape.

Week 4

Managing Motifs!
Enhance your quilt with the perfect motifs.
Learn how to choose the right motifs and strategically place them within your design plan for maximum impact.

Week 5

The perfect fill!Showcase your quilt and motifs with the perfect fill. Fills aren’t just to fill…. Learn their purpose within the design, and how to choose and scale for maximum benefit.

Week 6

Machine time! 
Let's get those beauties quilted. 
Put everything you’ve learned into action as you quilt with confidence and move closer to a beautifully finished project.


Rulers Simplified
Get a refresher course on ruler work! 

Motif Madness
Learn how to feathers, ferns and flowers

Sample This
Samplers have always been a challenge. Learn how to apply the 3 step framework to these beauties. 

MidCustom Quilting Not all quilts need to be quilted to death... see 10 different quilts with midcustom quilting. 

Whole Cloth Design 
When you are ready to show off your quilting, learn how to design a beautiful wholecloth. 

Private Facebook Group
Join like minded quilters and share ideas, brag and ask questions. 

Coaching Calls 
Join me weekly at 3:30pm ET on Zoom to get all your questions answered.

Enroll Now!

$497 or 2 payments of $274

I remember when I first started quilting... I knew I had found my calling.  But there came a time when I felt as though I was quilting the same thing as everyone else was.  I would hear quilters say, listen to your quilt, it will talk to you.  Mine never did and when it finally did, I felt it had told me exactly what it would tell everyone else. So I set about finding a different way of designing.  So in 2006, the 3 step framework was created.  It has helped hundreds, if not thousands, of quilters create unique one of a kind quilting and move through their stack of UFO's.  Let me help you!